Qui-Gon Encounters Anakin (32BBY) (14)
Navigation (7)
Basic info
First appearance: The Phantom Menace
Relations: Tatooine
Due to the damage to the ship's hyperdrive sustained in the attack, the Qui-Gon Jinn decided to land on the nearby planet Tatooine instead of proceeding to Coruscant. While he, accompanied by Jar Jar Binks and Padme Amidala, searching for a new hyperdrive generator, they befriended young Anakin Skywalker, a slave boy, whose master was Watto, a Toydarian junk dealer. Another Jedi, Quinlan Vos, was on Tatooine on an undercover mission in the settlement of Mos Espa and witnessed an early meeting of Jinn and Anakin Skywalker, but decided against revealing himself to his Jedi friend. When Jinn's team reached Watto's junk shop, Watto inofrmed them them that he had the required parts in stock, but Qui-Gon was unable to purchase them, as Republic credits were worthless on Tatooine. Anakin was gifted with piloting and mechanical abilities, and have built an almost-complete droid named C-3PO. He also built almost working podracer that he planned to use in upcoming race. Qui-Gon sensed a strong presence of the Force in Anakin, and felt that he may be the Chosen One - the one who will fulfill a prophecy by bringing balance to the Force. By entering Anakin into a podrace, Qui-Gon orchestrated a gamble in which the boy (alone, since Qui-Gon was unable to include the youth's mother in the bargain) will be released from slavery while also acquiring the parts needed for their ship. The night before the race, Qui-Gon did a blood test on Anakin and discovered that the boy's midi-chlorian reading was off the chart.


See also
Related units, characters and technologies
Padme Amidala
Qui-Gon Jinn
Anakin Skywalker
Jar Jar Binks
Quinlan Vos
Shmi Skywalker
Complete list
Star Wars The Complete Saga (Blu Ray) EP1 : The Phantom Menace (graphic novel) EP1 : The Phantom Menace EP1 : The Phantom Menace Qui-Gon Jinn (Mos Espa Disguise) (84253) Anakin Skywalker (Mechanic) (84254)
Movie Comics TPB
Movie Novel
Movie Novel
Power of the Jedi
Power of the Jedi
Star Wars The Complete Saga (Blu Ray)
EP1 : The Phantom Menace (graphic novel)
EP1 : The Phantom Menace
EP1 : The Phantom Menace
Qui-Gon Jinn (Mos Espa Disguise) (84253)
Anakin Skywalker (Mechanic) (84254)
Blu-Ray Cat. # 2274218
84253 / 84445
84254 / 84445
Tags (2)

Qui-Gon Jinn | Jedi Order

Tags (2)

Anakin Skywalker | Otoga-222 Maintenance Droid

Events (62)

Arrival on Coruscant (32BBY) | Falcon's Escape | Battle over Naboo | Battle of Theed | Ambassadors to Naboo | Journey from Otoh Gunga to Theed | Fall of Theed | Battle over Endor | Endor Campaign | Arrival at Endor (ROTJ) | Battle of Yavin | Yavin Award Ceremony | Escape from Death Star | Anakin's Test (32BBY) | Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's Debrief (32ABY) | Geonosis Arena Battle | Aftermath | Luke's Surrender (ROTJ) | Death Star Meeting | Rendezvous on Redemption | Battle of Coruscant (ROTS) | Palpatine Reveals Himself (ROTS) | The Fall of the Jedi Temple (ROTS) | Escape from Theed | Duel on Naboo | Departing Tatooine (32BBY) | Battle of Kashyyyk | Return to Naboo | Introducing Darth Maul (32BBY) | Palpatine meets Padme in His Office (32 BBY) | Special Session of the Senate (32BBY) | Theed Celebration | Battle of Utapau | R2-D2 fights SBDs (BoC) | Investigation on Kamino | Battle of Geonosis | Anakin and Padme on Naboo (AOTC) | Separatist Council Departs from Utapau | Making Contact (ROTS) | Recovery on Mustafar (ROTS) | Travel from Coruscant to Naboo (AOTC) | Bombing at Landing Pad (AOTC) | Searching for Saberdart Origin (AOTC) | Special Session of the Senate (AOTC) | Jedi Rocks (ROTJ) | Duel on Mustafar | Sidious sends Maul to Tatooine (32BBY) | Vader's Visit to the DS-2 (ROTJ) | Duel in Palpatine's office | Anakin and Padme depart Tatooine | Senate oversees deployment of GAR | Palpatine's Nomination | Palpatine arrives on Naboo | Qui-Gon Jinn's funeral | Meeting in Palpatine's office (AOTC) | Palpatine flattering Anakin (AOTC) | The Emperor arrives | Return to Dagobah | Slaughter on Mustafar | Seeds of the Rebellion (ROTS) | The birth of Luke and Leia (ROTS) | Rise of Darth Vader

Events (16)

Ambassadors to Naboo | Fall of Theed | Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY) | Conceiving the Battle Plan | Battle of Theed | Escape from Theed | Duel on Naboo | Departing Tatooine (32BBY) | Return to Naboo | Introducing Darth Maul (32BBY) | Palpatine meets Padme in His Office (32 BBY) | Special Session of the Senate (32BBY) | Journey from Otoh Gunga to Theed | Theed Celebration | Palpatine arrives on Naboo | Qui-Gon Jinn's funeral

Events (13)

Escape from Theed | Duel on Naboo | Departing Tatooine (32BBY) | Return to Naboo | Introducing Darth Maul (32BBY) | Palpatine meets Padme in His Office (32 BBY) | Special Session of the Senate (32BBY) | Battle of Theed | Fall of Theed | Journey from Otoh Gunga to Theed | Theed Celebration | Palpatine arrives on Naboo | Qui-Gon Jinn's funeral

Events (13)

Escape from Theed | Duel on Naboo | Departing Tatooine (32BBY) | Return to Naboo | Introducing Darth Maul (32BBY) | Palpatine meets Padme in His Office (32 BBY) | Special Session of the Senate (32BBY) | Battle of Theed | Fall of Theed | Journey from Otoh Gunga to Theed | Theed Celebration | Palpatine arrives on Naboo | Qui-Gon Jinn's funeral

Departing Tatooine (32BBY)
Jar Jar Binks (Tatooine) (84267) Shmi Skywalker (84271) Padme Naberrie (84076) Watto (84093) C-3PO (84106) Mos Espa Encounter (84161)
Power of the Jedi
Power of the Jedi
Star Wars Episode I
Star Wars Episode I
Star Wars Episode I
Star Wars Episode I : Cinema Scenes
Jar Jar Binks (Tatooine) (84267)
Shmi Skywalker (84271)
Padme Naberrie (84076)
Watto (84093)
C-3PO (84106)
Mos Espa Encounter (84161)
84267 / 84455
84271 / 84455
84076 / 84085
84093 / 84095
84106 / 84095
84161 / 84115
Tags (3)

Jar Jar Binks | Gungan | DUM-Series Pit Droid

Shmi Skywalker
Padme Amidala
Tags (2)

Watto | Toydarian

Tags (2)

C-3PO | 3PO-series Protocol Droid

Tags (5)

Sebulba | Dug | Jar Jar Binks | Gungan | Anakin Skywalker

Boontha Eve Classic (32BBY)
Gragra (SAGA052) Quinlan Vos (VC85)
The Saga Collection
The Vintage Collection
Gragra (SAGA052)
Quinlan Vos (VC85)
87088 / 85770
37506 / 37499
Tags (3)

Gragra | Swokes Swokes | Gorg

Tags (3)

Quinlan Vos | Kiffar | Jedi Order

Last updated: 09.04.2022 12:52:54